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Setting up Servers



The repositories needed for this step are private for now. You might cannot download them. This is likely to be changed in the future.

First you should clone the required repository and initialize the submodules:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive

Building Telegraf​

This project uses a modified version of Telegraf. It enables a custom developed plugin to consume metrics via a websocket server.


You can find the plugin here

Build the custom telegaf using the following commands (assuming you're in the tik project):

cd custom/telegraf
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 make

Because we're using the executable that's build in this step in a docker-linux container, we need to tell the go-compiler explicitly we want to have a linux executable (env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64). Otherwise go would compile for the host system on which this command is invoked (Propably MacOS in this case).

Getting everything running​

Now we want to start all the services configured in the docker-compose.yaml. For this execute the following command:

docker-compose up

Make sure the docker engine is up and running. Otherwise this command won't work.

You should see something similar to this: